New opportunity to join the SASA family! – SASA EXECUTIVE BOARD

🇪🇺New opportunity to join the SASA family! For years, the association’s activities have been primarily focused on the engineering faculty ecosystem. For the upcoming season, our administrative bodies have been working on creating a new Board, which will play a crucial role in the association’s operations. The Executive Board will consist of students and young […]
SUAS COMPETITION 2024 RECAP 🏆🇺🇲 – Sapienza Flight Team

On June 25th we successfully participated in SUAS Competition 2024 in Maryland. Our team ranked 4th in the Technical Design Review, 4th in Mission Demonstration and 6th in the Global Ranking, and we also received the “Safety Award”, among 69 teams of universities from all around the world, marking our best performance at this competition […]
About CanSat Competition🏆🇺🇲 – Sapienza Space Team

While our team rests after a long journey back to Rome, we give you a little taste of what was the CanSat Competition experience, and also a glance at our Akheilos. Our team managed to bring home a great score of 89.6%, despite the technical difficulties encountered during the competition. Our probe survived the landing […]

Last week, a delegation from our association had the honor of visiting the European Space Agency – ESA ESRIN center. A heartfelt thank you to Francesco Sarti for explaining us the numerous activities of ESA and the ESRIN center, and to Dante Galli for giving us an in-depth look at the Space Rider project, an […]
ROCCARASO 2024 “Countdown Day” – Sapienza Rocket Team

And then we launch!🚀 Once again, the first and main launch campaign of SRT has concluded: ROCCARASO 2024, an event entirely organized by the team, showcasing the presentation and launch of the sounding rocket prototypes developed over the year. In this edition, we introduced for the first time the “Countdown Day,” an event open to […]
Giornata Aerospaziale 2024 – Volere Volare

Mercoledì 8 Maggio si è tenuta presso il campo di volo “Volere e Volare” di Nettuno l’annuale giornata aerospaziale “Sapienza in Volo” della Sapienza UniversitĂ di Roma, un’importante occasione di confronto ed incontro dedicata agli studenti, organizzata da SASA e il consiglio d’area didattica di ingegneria aerospaziale. Un particolare ringraziamento all’Ing. Andrea Minchella del programma […]
SASA x Thales Alenia Space

A splendid relationship is born between SASA and Thales Alenia Space – Italia. A delegation from our association had the privilege of visiting the Satellite Integration Center at the Rome headquarters. We would like to express our sincere gratitude to CEO Ing. Massimo C Comparini, Dr. Giorgio Busacca, Dr. Cristiano Franchino, Ing. Giuseppe Matarazzo, Dr. […]
BIP Training Day

SASA, Sapienza Gladiators e Sapienza Corse vi invitano a partecipare al training day di BIP Consulting: “Gli scenari di trasmissione ed utilizzo dei dati negli scenari relativi ai mezzi mobili: stato dell’arte e sfide tecnologiche”. Si tratterĂ di un incontro formativo gestito dal Team Space dell’azienda per imparare a muoversi nel settore delle Telecomunicazioni e dei Sistemi di Controllo. đź“ŤSan Pietro in Vincoli, ICI, aula 21 🕦 15 Dicembre, dalle […]
Capgemini Engineers & SASA – GET THE FUTURE YOU WANT

Vi segnaliamo il seminario tecnico “GET THE FUTURE YOU WANT”, organizzato da SASA in collaborazione con Capgemini Engineering. Una delle preoccupazioni degli studenti che stanno arrivando alla fine del loro percorso accademico è sapere cosa fare dopo, come funziona il mondo del lavoro e come fare a presentarsi nel miglior modo possibile ad un’azienda. […]
Spazio al cinema

Il cinema? All’universitĂ ? Ebbene sì, con “Spazio al Cinema”! Una serie di tre cineforum, seguiti da una breve conferenza a tema. L’obiettivo è quello di analizzare i piĂą noti film sull’aerospazio e usarli come spunti di riflessione per espandere temi, o confutare luoghi comuni, al fine di rispondere alle domande piĂą intriganti sul passato, presente […]